Your donation will make a huge change Marathon School Renovation Project Fundraising We started a renovation project at Marathon Science School. Your generous donations will help to host us more boarding students at better education services.
YoungWriters at Marathon School
New Adventures is young Writers` twenty-first annual creative writing competition and thousands of stories from all over the UK and overseas have been received. Works have been selected for publication based on imagination, perception, expression and creative use of language.…
Marathon School in European Union Comenius Project
We are starting a Comenius Partnership Programme called “ Think Creatively, Act Creatively” in collaboration with one of the prestigious colleges in Istanbul, Turkey BogazHisar College funded by European Union Life Learning Programme. We aim to develop the students’ creative…
Seven Hills Trust was in Hong Kong
Seven Hills Educational Trust, parent company of Marathon Science School established in 2009, carry on it`s search for new opportunities in the world to spread the achievement of its educational model across the world. Mr Hakan Ozgul, Chairman of Seven…